Well it has obviously been a very quiet winter at Bonners Lodge with no guests to spoli! But with all our animals to look after there has been plenty of jobs to do to keep us busy.
We definitely missed our guests over the christmas period puttng the tree up and all the outside lights in the trees seemed a bit of a pointless task with just Ken and I to enjoy them.
There was quite a change in the animals last year sadly losing our two beautiful labradors - Black Billy and Yellow Billy, but Sam and Bess two retired 10 year old working labradors have just joined us along with our two Alpaca boys Sunrise and Merlin. We are looking forward to introducing them to our quests when we are eventually allowed to open up again.
We are looking forward to opening back up again and as per last year we are making the place as COVID safe as possible - hand sanitizer stations are at all the entrances to our buildings, The games room is bookable so there is only one family using it at a time.